The Navigoe Blog

Month: September 2014

Top 5 articles, other good reads. September 2014 Edition

Please enjoy some of the articles that I read this month, starting with my top five: Scrambled Signals – did financial journalists fail to spot the crisis? If you ask a financial journalist if they are dispensing financial advice, they would almost certainly say that they are not.  Yet, headlines seem to continually offer advice…

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What, exactly, is “the market?”

You hear it all the time. “Great day for stocks. The market was up over 200 points.” “The market took a beating, it was down 150 points.” But what, exactly, is “the market”? Well, what they are likely referring to is the most commonly quoted stock market index, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). It’s…

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Hey CNNMoney, investing isn't a game and it's not placing a bet

Scrolling through my Facebook news feed the other night, I came across a story by CNNMoney. The teaser reads, “If you’re planning to get in on the investing game, place your bets carefully.” I must have “liked” a few CNNMoney articles recently because it seems like they are beginning to dominate my news feed. It…

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Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits, by Scott Leonard

Navigoe Founding Partner, Scott Leonard, penned an article for Time Magazine about how to maximize yourSocial Security Benefits.  The article was a real life case of a client who had made plans to begin Social Securityretirement benefits, but changed course when we showed him the possible benefit of waiting. Read the full article here: Maximize Your Social Security…

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