Planning For the End of Life

Navigoe's First Quarter 2020 Newsletter has been published! Following is a summary of one of the articles. At the bottom you can click to view the entire newsletter.

Nobody wants to think about dying, much less planning for all the details that will follow. But this is important. Your heirs and the executor of your estate will thank you for your clarity. Here are three key rules for planning your estate:

  • Name Beneficiaries Correctly. Simply naming your heirs in your will or trust may not be enough. Keep in mind that retirement accounts, life insurance, and annuities, among other accounts, may have their own beneficiary designation.
  • Keep Estate Plans Current. Years or decades may pass between when an estate plan is written and your death. Lots can change. If you divorced and never updated your documents, your ex could end up inheriting your assets.
  • Provide Vital Information. Make sure your executor and heirs have a thorough and up-to-date list of accounts and how to access them.

Our newsletter is mailed to clients and others who have asked to be included in our mailing list. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact our office at (310) 697-0400.

You can access this quarter’s complete newsletter here: Q1 2020


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