2020 Election and the Market

One of the most hotly contested presidential elections in US history is now just around the corner. Hopefully we will soon know who will be sworn into office in January 2021.

The results of the election will surely have wide ranging effects on all Americans on vital matters such as healthcare, foreign policy, judicial appointments, and economic policy. But what will it mean to you and your family’s financial future?

Below, we have provided a collection of resources related to presidential elections that will hopefully provide some useful perspective amidst all the noise.

How much impact does the president have on stocks?

Our friends at Dimensional Fund Advisors have done a deep dive analysis of stock market performance.

Take a look at the analysis and interactive chart

A brief interview about the election and the stock market

Recently, we hosted a webinar for clients discussing a wide range of topics including a current market perspective, a review of academic risk factors, and the impact of the election. See the video below for an excerpt from the webinar when the election was discussed.

Some perspective from four years ago

Four years ago, Navigoe partner, Eric Toya wrote a blog that sought to answer many of the same questions that investors have today with the election imminent. The biggest takeaway was that investors tend to do more harm than good by reacting to election results. You may find that four years hence, the blog remains relevant.

Trump vs. Clinton: What the election means to investors »


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